5 Parenting Tips for Choosing Battles

Mar 24, 2015 | Parenting

Choose your battles well..Well-300x300

This would be the single piece of advice I’d give to parents of teens and tweens. As a counselor, teacher, and parent, it’s brought sanity to otherwise overwhelming circumstances.

I wished I learned it earlier.

Instead, I learned it the hard way.

I’ll be honest – I was over-bearing and reactionary when my older children were young. I was so intent on raising them well, I said “no” way too much.

When my oldest was sixteen, most things were a battle. Our family was falling apart

Here are 5 things I’ve learned about choosing battles.

1. Relationships with your children are more important than your rights. Parental rights are something to which you innately cling. When your rights strain your relationship with your teen over trivial things, lay your rights aside. Your relationship with your teen is more important.

Read the rest of the article here



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