5 Hacks for Life Care, Not Self Care

Oct 15, 2020 | Coaching, For Women, Life

Fall brings joy and all the feels of hot chocolate, campfires, cooler temps and cuddling by the fire. It’s refreshing in 2020 that ordinary, predictive events happen, like the turning of the leaves, the upcoming holidays, and change of weather.

But as I’ve been talking to friends, family, and coworkers, though, I’m hearing a thread of exhaustion at the forefront. People tired of the political climate, tired of a pandemic that doesn’t seem to end, tired of the loneliness, fear, and anxiety that have many of us still on edge. Many are tired with normal things of life…parenting, school schedules, work stress, all of which still aren’t “normal.”

I was chatting with a friend about self-care and false positivity. A bubble bath won’t make exhaustion or melancholy go away. Instead of self-care, I invite you to think of life care instead.

How are you caring for your life?

Not your past life in 2019 when things were “normal,” or your future life that may or may not get back to normal. Your life right now. What if today was as good as it gets? How you caring for your life? Here are some things to think about as you consider your quality of life rather than a few extra hours of sleep or a few shots of that energy drink.

How is your quality of life? So much has changed in 2020 that you can’t wait for life to return to what it was, exactly how it was. Instead, look at what’s not going well in your life. What you can change right now to make your life healthy and manageable for you and your family? Is it something big you need to change (like a job, new activities, getting offline more?) or an attitude change?

What can you control in your life? With so many things out of our control, focus on what you can control. This is where you have choice about your level of physical or mental exhaustion. Do you need to eat better? Exercise more? Say “no” to activities that are draining you? Omit relationships in your life that are toxic and unhealthy for you? Blame doesn’t do anything for your level of health or physical or mental exhaustion. At the end of the day, no one will take care of you….but you.

Focus on positive truth. If you look at the negative things in your life, you’ll be tired, grumpy and lack motivation. But when you look more intently at positive truth, your energy levels are fueled with hope and possibilities. Positive truth is not false positivity. It’s looking at the healthy, positive, and growing areas of a situation rather than the negative ones. Everything in life has a positive and negative side. It’s up to us which one we will look at.

Live today. Anxiety and uncertainty of the times we live in can zap all our energy. Don’t be in debt to tomorrow’s troubles. Live today. How can you value today and all it holds? Rather than looking behind or too far ahead, what and who is most important to you today?

Be bold to make the changes. It’s as simple as that.

Take care of your life, today. It’s important. Our community needs you. Your family needs you.

A tool to do so is my book Balance, Busyness, and Not Doing It All. Grab spiritual and practical tips for real life care! And if you’re parenting teens and young adults, get Fledge: Launching Your Kids Without Losing Your Mind. 

Join my VIP list and get a free ebook, “10 Ways Busy Moms Find Rest!”

Watch the Fledge Parent Forum Broadcast on moms and exhaustion. 



Simple Secrets For A Compelling Life

Do you feel trapped in a chaotic, relentless, demanding lifestyle? No matter where you live or what season of life you’re in, you can find inspiration from the simpler life. 


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