10 Lessons from the Great Pause

May 21, 2020 | Faith, Life

Before the Great Pause, I wrestled with life and priorities, searching for something, but not knowing what it was.

Then The ‘Rona hit. Fear, panic, and sadness settled on me. I wonder if you had these feelings, too?

Lessons from the Great Pause

I’ve learned a lot recently. I’ve shared a few of these things on social media (join me here and here if you haven’t!).

Here are ten things that might resonate with you.

1. Rest is easier when there’s no place to go. There’s less anxiety when we aren’t comparing ourselves to others or fear we’re missing out. .

2. Collective hope is essential for humans. Negative truth and speculation has been disheartening. It confirms the need for hope–positive truth and “we’ll get through this” mentality that existed in prior generations.

3. People need hope to survive and thrive. I’ve been challenged to be a light of hope, both in person and on social media. Will you join me in your sphere of influences, too?

4. People need other people. The suffering of social isolation can’t be measured by a test kit. I need conversations with real people, not just online or through Zoom.

5. Family, neighborhoods, and local communities are essential. Global technology provides a false sense that we don’t need to depend on those around us. We do. We need each other at the most basic level.

6. Group think is dangerous. God has given us minds with which to reason, problem solve, and to think independently. Germany and the Soviet Union of the 1920’s and 30’s witnesses the dangers of group think, social shaming, and forfeiting the human right of independent thought. We’ve seen glimpses of this during the pandemic.

7. Prayer is the source of change. Have you felt helpless during the pandemic? God desires us to petition Him about things over which we have no control. I have been praying for God to be glorified in our world, and for his image to be restored to humanity. What are you praying for?

8. History helps us process the present. I’ve watched Ken Burns’, The Dust Bowl, The Hiding Place, and other historical stories for courage and hope in human nature and God’s will.

9. What if today is as good as it gets? This quote from a newsletter has been guiding my responses, priorities, and beliefs. Another idea challenging me is from my friend Sarah Forgrave, “Who do you want to be when you come back?” As life evolves to a new normal, what am I going to take with me? What am I going to leave behind in the Great Pause?

10. Humanity needs the redemptive power of Jesus Christ. I’m more committed to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. Dying isn’t the end when you have a relationship with Jesus Christ! Death ushers us into a glorious eternal life with God, but we only have access to this gift through a relationship with Jesus. Jesus also provides peace and calm in adversity and hardship! If you’d like to know more, email me at brenda@brendayoder.com

My Revelation

Finally, I found what I’ve been searching for! It’s a more intimate relationship with Jesus. Like water filling a parched land, I’m learning more from Jesus through prayer, time in the Word, and good books. What are you learning about God?

Books I’m reading and recommending:

Podcast news!

I’m excited to host a new season of the Life Beyond the Picket Podcast with Ingrid Lochamire! We’ll be doing an entire series titled “On the Front Porch.” Stay tuned!



Simple Secrets For A Compelling Life

Do you feel trapped in a chaotic, relentless, demanding lifestyle? No matter where you live or what season of life you’re in, you can find inspiration from the simpler life. 


  1. Darlene J Harris

    I like the title of your podcast “On the Front Porch.” Great newsletter. Thank you again for being in my life.

    • Brenda L. Yoder

      You are welcome Darlene. You’re a blessing to me.

  2. Melissa Henderson

    We need each other but more importantly, we need God. 🙂

    • Brenda L. Yoder

      Yes, Melissa, we need Him more than ever right now! May we continue to point people to Him in these days!

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